A Brief of Pelicans

'The Mysterious Universe' Sir James Jeans, Pelican Books 1940

'The Pyramids of Egypt' I. E. S. Edwards, Pelican Books 1947

'Primitive Art' Leonhard Adam, Pelican Books 1949

'The Meaning of Art' Herbert Read, Pelican Books 1950


Typewriter paper, Pen

Concrete Shadow


Flocks of Numbers, Names of Birds (Sydney White Pages 2007/2008)

A Constellation of Starlings
A Swoop of Swifts

A Pride of Peacocks

Cuttings from Sydney White Pages 2007/2009

Floating Page

Book of Common English Sayings, Window Sill, Breeze

White Box Like Objects

A story I contributed to Barbara Campbell's 1001 nights cast.

Little finger scattered over mountain

The cast of my little finger never made it to the mountain. I put a bottle holding the powdered remains in my bag and the stopper fell off within seconds. I sifted through the bag, took out the other contents, and threw the finger out the studio window instead.

Leaf Pin, Flower Ring

Botanical Cutlery

Graphite, Paper

Insect Memory

Boys pressing pumpkin beetles
against the spinning
wheels of upturned bike

Bee sting on big toe
from bee on the path

Four caterpillars
on the footpath

Carriage full of Moths
On Mountains train

The Boy next door
sometimes ate snails

Graphite, Paper

Small disturbances

Missing Label

Fallen Bottle

Studio, Absence (6 Months)

Object Body

Tongue (Child's feeding implement, Feather, Silk)

Skin (Sewing pattern paper)

Teeth (Plaster cast of fork ends, Feather quills, Cotton)

Stomach (Icing Bag)

Heart (Mussel shell, Feather quill, Wire)


Window, Grass, Breeze


Silk, Wall, Breeze

Selection of finger segments

Plaster Casts of Finger tips, Found Objects: Cotton, Feathers, Ink Nib

Tracings of Polaroids (Polaroids of Shadows)

Graphite, Tracing Paper

Burial of the Two Thumbs

Two plaster casts of my thumbs were buried somewhere here in 2007.

Phoenix Plants

Each plant has its own booklet of documentation.

The only thing they have in common is that they were found in a
nursery, gardening shop, or department store (and have been marked down because they are dying).

For example: Here is some lavender - with no colour left.

The plant is photographed with each attempt to bring it back to life. Each plant is given a season of care.

Feathers (tagged with time and place they were found) Autumn - Spring 2003

View of the Studio (imagined from the outside)

If you could see the walls you'd notice no pictures (the pictures have fallen). You would notice the light, the way it slips over the wall like a glove. Inside it is still, quiet, the air heavily hung (like an ocean). Wave after wave of light foam warmed by windows trapping the sun. Small clusters of dust glow like filaments freed from lamps. A bulb, the glass tuber on top of a marble stand is slowly cultivating cobwebs on the sill. Accidents abound. Work has been left. Cups of tea abandoned mid-sip. Dried ghosts of liquid growing in circular roots.

Dust Light

Cobweb, dust

Fallen Pictures, Tape

Bottles, Dust

Curling Pictures

Studio, Absence (3 Months)

Dream Titles for Future Drawings

The army of clones
carry scythes

You don't deserve folds

Your voice is
left in the walls

We don't do lunch here

You're in the ice
I'm on the plane

There are wolves
and fish at the door

My blue brooch broke
we talk architecture

The cliff
has split in half

The others steal our

A flock of horses
some gazelles
clothes they mistake
for skin

We say goodbye
you leave in a canoe

The blue bird
with teeth

Drawing for a bird

Introducing the Studio