Pieces of Practice | Articulate Project Space

From 7th to 20th November 2011 Pieces of Practice is working in Articulate Project Space as part of their Project Space Project.

Big Star, Little House (Articulate's beam, stump of wood, Star brooch, cotton, clay house)

Cotton Feather (Cotton, Feather Spine, Box, Label, Articulate's Shelf)

Feather Cocoons (Feather Spines, Cotton Thread, Articulate's Wall)

Bark for Wood (Articulate's beam, Bark, Catalogue card)

How to draw Birds (Paper card, Feathers, Silver Paper, Tissue Paper, Crystals, Nails, Articulate's Wall)

Object Circle (Found objects, chalk, Seeds, Seaweed, Plaster cast of finger, Magnifying Glass, Catalogue card, Articulate's Floor)

Seed on High Wire (Box, Cotton, Hat pins, Wire, Seed, Catalogue card, Articulate's Shelf)

See here for more details.

Sticks, Seeds and Shells

Cut Charcoal, Black Pen Stand, Seaweed Piece, Shaved Plaster Finger, Cut Chalk, Feather Spine, Piece of Shell, Dusted Feather, Chipped Golf Tee

Window Box

Marble Box, Gold Leaf, White resin Box, Dream Drawings.

Shelved Objects